Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Coming This Fall


One thing I really miss about being a youth pastor is the teenagers. I liked hanging out with them, going to their games, meeting them for lunch, going to their band and choir concerts, etc. I really enjoyed putting my time into them to let them know they meant something to me. We had a kid in our youth group for a time named Travis that was the lead singer in a band. Even after his family left our church, Sarah and I went to a few concerts to see him and ate at a restaurant we didn't particularly care for to see his sister. There was no personal discord between us. They just woke up before me.

The name of the band is Coming This Fall (CTF). They sound like something you'd expect to be on Tooth and Nail's record label. I don't really know who to compare them to, except that the guitar sounds like early Anberlin to me. Click the banner above to go to their myspace page and listen to their music, or just watch the video below. Enjoy!

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