Thursday, June 13, 2013

Celebrating Father's Day

How do you celebrate being a dad?  It's Father's Day on Sunday, so hopefully you have a good idea of what you're doing.  A lot of dads fire up the grill on Father's Day, which is kind of like asking a mom to prepare her favorite meal for Mother's Day, but it's okay.  I have yet to meet a man who doesn't love grilling.  I know I do, and I ask to grill on Father's Day sometimes.  But that is not what I'm doing this year.  This year I am celebrating Father's Day simply by being a dad.

I want to celebrate the fact that I get to be Jakob's dad more than I want to be celebrated for being his dad.  I want to celebrate, not be celebrated.  Although, to be completely honest, I love the new pair of Adidas I'm wearing while typing this, which Sarah bought for me for Father's Day.  So maybe I like being celebrated just a little.  But I want to celebrate Jakob, too!  I want him to know that Father's Day is special to me, because he is special to me.  So I wan to celebrate in a way he would love, not in a way that I hope he loves someday.  With me?  That means that although I want him to love the Detroit Tigers, and even though he has shown some interest in them, I'm not taking him at 3 years old to a game.  That's something I love, but he wouldn't enjoy that yet.  I don't want to be like the parents who take their 6-month old baby to Disney.  That kid doesn't love it.  It's really for the parents.  I don't want that.

This year, we're going to Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park in Grand Rapids, because that is something I can enjoy with him.  He will have more fun with the trampolines than me, and I will have more fun than he understands watching his joy.  That's really all I want (other than the shoes on my feet).  I want to celebrate by giving myself the best gift: joy in my son's heart and showing on his face.

I love my son.  I love being his dad.  I tell him and God that every single day.  Happy Father's Day to me.  And to you.