Wednesday, March 25, 2009

not a ku klux fan

Sarah and I had the opportunity to hang out in klan land for 3 days last week. It was a little unnerving having to suspect every white guy in a pick up truck of being out to get us, but it was fun nonetheless. I took a tour of Zinc, which is pretty much a collection of dirt roads, houses, horses, and trailers...and let's not forget the kkk. I got to see Tom Robb's house, a supposedly haunted cave where many a minority has met his fate, and even the road that takes you to the soldiers of the cross Bible camp, which is a training ground of hate for the kkk. We tried and tried to find the sign for it, as it was right there on the road we were on, but we just didn't see it. I do wonder if God was hiding it from us, so we didn't get out and take pictures with it...leading to us getting our butt's kicked by hillbillies with hoods.

I learned from my dad that he may have gone to grade school with Thom Robb. He is from the same area as my dad, he's about the same age, and he definitely went to school with a Thom Robb with 2 b's. So one goes on to hate Jews, and the other goes on to marry my mom, who happens to be one awesome Jew.

I took time to think about the klan on my long drive home. I've always had a distaste for such idiots, but being in their backyard kind of pushed it to the forefront of my mind. I just cannot understanding hating someone based on something they cannot control. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Sarah pointed out that our joking around about them was probably as tasteless as joking around about pedophiles. I can see her point. I am disgusted with most of them, but sad for others. Unfortunately, training a child up in the way that he should go applies to good and bad people. I've never felt so much darkness, though, as I did sitting in Big Poppa Bluff's car right next to the road to the camp. I'm not normally one to judge one's salvation - after all, they say they believe the Bible - but God was not in that place. It's almost like He stopped at the bus parked at the main road that takes you to camp. That would be a picture of said bus above.

I do not like the ku klux klan. I do not like them, Sam I am. I am not a ku klux fan.

I am a fan of Shane, whose birthday it is today, and he's spending it with us. Happy birfday, Shane!

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