Thursday, October 16, 2008

Office Pranks

Anyone who watches the Office knows that a good prank makes an otherwise boring day a little more tolerable. Whose day wouldn't be enhanced by finding their stapler in a jell-o mold? I laughed when it happened to me. Of course, that stapler is now unusable, so it sits on its side, next to my Michael and Dwight bobble heads, displaying my Assistant Regional Manager status to all who come in my office.

A certain swan candy dish has been making its way around the office here. When it went MIA for a week, it was replaced by an evil looking cabbage patch doll. I was impressed with myselph when I put a big pair of sunglasses on it and stuck it in Nicole's driver seat. Why don't people lock their doors? But alas, I have been outdone. My wife is good friends with the enemy, and they have conspired against me. I was going to grab a pillow last night, so I could lay comfortably on the couch and be bored by Sportscenter, when I noticed something was under the blanket. I put my hand on it to see what it was. I thought it was one of our animals, but it wasn't. I pulled back the blanket and found that satan doll in my bed. This was a well played move. I was impressed. That alone was a solid prank. But that wasn't the end of it. I pulled back the shower curtain to heat up the water this morning, and there sat the swan dish, right on the faucet. I had been hit with both in my own house.

These will be hard to top, but they will be. I will wait a while, but I'm coming back strong. In the meantime, if you work at New Hope, you should be keeping an eye out. One or both cherished items may be sneaking in your office soon. Aren't you glad we all have the same office key?

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