Friday, November 19, 2010

"God, Thanks for Jeff"

This is not a Thanksgiving post.  I know it looks like it is, because it's late November and the word "thanks" is in the title, but it really isn't.  It's a post about job security.  I'm going to let you know how I know my job is safe and how I will know it's time to start looking.

My boss, Dave, and I meet every "Thursday."  Thursday requires quotation marks, because we allegedly meet every Thursday, but with our weird schedules, we often end up meeting on Wednesday or Friday, and we even occasionally miss it altogether.  That is fairly irrelevant to the post, but I want to see if I can keep you reading.  Are you still reading?  If so, you will be delighted to know that I'm going to tell you my secret now.

At the end of every meeting, Dave prays us out.  All meetings in churches much at least end in prayer, and several begin with it, as well.  There is one thing that is a prayer staple at these supervisory meetings.  Dave starts out and says, "God, thanks for Jeff..."  You see that?  My boss man is grateful for my existence.  That one line makes me more comfortable, because if he's still glad I exist, he must like what I'm doing to some extent.  If he stops saying that, I'll be suspicious and worried.


  1. You know he's going to stop saying it now, just to make you sweat... ; )

  2. He might. I told him of my theory on it, because I wanted to make sure he was cool with me blogging about it. He laughed, and I get the sense he's going to consciously avoid saying it just to mess with me.
