Tuesday, December 29, 2009

our 1st Christmas with Jakob

This was by far the best Christmas ever, and not just because traveling to Grand Rapids only took us 45 minutes, as opposed to 5-24 (depending on where we lived and what weather was like). Jakob makes life better in general. It's really fun buying him presents, and opening presents from others for him, and starting our own traditions with him. This year, from me, he got his very first pair of shoes. I bought him Chucks, to match the ones I also got myself. Sarah got him a very cool duck toy that makes him laugh. It goes on his car seat.

This is him laughing at his new toy:

Jakob's Christmas present making him laugh from Jeff Selph on Vimeo.

He also got a baby's first Christmas ornament and a Christmas tree from both of us.

Here are the traditions we've started and think we'll continue with him throughout his life:
  1. He gets three presents from us: one from me, one from Sarah, and an ornament from both of us. He'll get a fourth present later, from Santa Claus. We don't intend to teach him that Santa is real, but since he's my son, and would very likely enjoy telling other kids the truth about Santa, we'll be bribing him to keep his mouth shut. So long as he doesn't blow it for anyone else's kids, he gets a present from "Santa."
  2. He gets his very own Christmas tree, which goes in his bedroom. The ornaments we get him will go on his tree. He'll also get to pick out one ornament per year that he thinks is really cool to put on his tree.
  3. We got up on Christmas morning, watched a Christmas movie, and read him the Christmas story. This year, we read from the Jesus Storybook Bible. Here's the video of that:

Jakob's 1st time hearing the Christmas story from Jeff Selph on Vimeo.


  1. Love that you are starting traditions now. We have been trying to establish some and add to them each year. This year we added a Jesse Tree. Last year we started sharing one thing about each family member that makes them special. Every year we read or act out the Christmas story followed by a big breakfast, then we eventually get to presents.The younger girls asked about Santa this year. We now have to remind them that other kids like to pretend he's real and they shouldn't tell them he's not.

  2. It's fun. I just hope we remember what we did each year, so we don't leave one out. Maybe this post will come in handy next December.I really like the Jesse Tree idea. I think that would be a cool thing for Sarah and Jakob to do together during the day, and then show me at night. That's an awesome idea.

  3. Oh. My. Goodness. Those are such sweet videos, especially of the one of you reading the Christmas Story to baby Jakob. What a great tradition. And how cool are you two to already be showing Jakob Christ? So, so cool.Happiest of Happy New Years! Marni

  4. Thanks, Marni! And happy new year!

  5. You guys are awesomely cool parents man. Will you adopt me?

  6. Thanks, Kenny. Can this be one of those reverse situations where the kid now takes care of the parents? Cause if so, I now pronounce you Kenny Selph.
