Thursday, July 24, 2014

He sought me

Music is powerful.  It can stir up a number of emotions, whether we are just reacting to the words we're hearing or remembering another time a particular song may bring us back to.  There are some songs that make most people happy that stir up frustration and anger in me, because they are tied to a bad time in my life.  When I hear the songs that were on Christian radio when Sarah was in the hospital after our accident, I begin to feel very sad without thinking about it.  Music can also bring us great joy, as it has for me lately.

We'll be having our mission trip recap service on August 24, so you'll probably hear more about this and other things, but the worship was so engaging again this year.  I felt like we were escorted into God's presence, and we stayed there through the end of each service.  We learned a new song this year called "In Tenderness," which is by the same people who wrote "Made Alive."  This one is a little slower than "Made Alive," but the words stirred up so much joy and humility.  I was so grateful for God choosing to seek me, but I was humbled when I considered how dirty I must have looked when He came for me.  God is our adoptive Father, as we read in Ephesians 1 and Galatians 4.  We aren't born into His family.  We are born into sin, with the Devil sitting in the position of father (John 8:44).  But then God seeks us out, and if we will allow Him, adopts us into His family.  That's a cool thing about adoption and something I have talked about with several adopted kids who feel weird about being adopted: your parents chose to seek you out and at great cost to themselves make you their children.  God has done the same, at great cost to Himself, making us His children.  He sought us, when - just as orphaned babies needing adoption- we were incapable of seeking Him.

Please check out this song.  Focus on the words.  Close your eyes if you need to in order to focus, because the words are so powerful and true.  You'll be hearing it again on August 24, so this will help give you a jump start on learning the words, so you don't feel awkward trying to learn a new song in church.

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