Friday, June 24, 2011

Please pray for us

I am heading to Nashville tomorrow with 23 students and 6 adults.  While we are there, we will be serving the community in different areas.  This year will be different than last year, in that we will be working with preexisting charities and organizations.

Here's how you can pray for us:

  • Safety as we travel

  • Team Unity (no drama!)

  • Big impact for Jesus in the community

  • That the excitement will carry over when we return

To e-mail a camper, go to, and click on “E-mail a Camper.”  (It’s at the top right of the page.) Select, “Nashville, TN - Week of Hope” in the drop down box.  Enter the name of the camper you want to e-mail.  We will not be able to reply, but we will be blessed by your e-mail!

I would be remiss if I didn't give a shout out to an adopted YG friend, Marni White, who actually e-mailed all of our campers last year, knowing exactly 0 kids and leaders from my YG, and only knowing me so far as I let everyone into my life through Twitter and my blog (and now Facebook, because we're legit friends like that).  But there's a challenge to you, KCC.  A lady from Texas who has never met our students sent everyone an e-mail.  Can you match her?


  1. I'm praying for you and your students Jeff. I love camp because God moves so mightily there. Praying for changed hearts and changed lives. Have a blast!!!

  2. please pray for the youth and leaders over the next week....

  3. Thanks, Kadria. Sorry it took so long to post your comment. I haven't looked at my blog for quite some time.
