Friday, October 1, 2010

the greatest pastors I've ever learned from

Today is October 1.  You may not have known this, but October is Pastor Appreciation Month.  Since I know you are all so grateful, I will just go ahead and say, “You’re welcome.”

I want to take today, the first day of this great month, to talk about the greatest pastors I have ever learned from.  I know what you’re thinking already.  “He’s sucking up to Dave and Todd.”  They’re great guys, and I am very appreciative for what I have learned from them over this last year – or I should say what will be a year in 5 days – and I look forward to what I will continue to learn from them as we continue to work together and sharpen each other.  They are not the subject of today, though.

The greatest pastors I have ever learned from are John and Bev.  They are a couple that has been married for 41 years.  They have been in full time ministry for 37 of those years, although they have never collected a paycheck for their work.  Their work is endless, tireless, and regretfully for me, it has at times been thankless.  They will never retire, and their impact will continue well past the day when God calls them home.

They are my parents.  They are my heroes.  They are my pastors.  They trained me the way Proverbs 22:6 instructed them.  They taught me to love God with all that I am like Deuteronomy 6:6-7 instructed them.  They showed me what it looks like to pastor my own family, and that is why their ministry will continue on.  I want to pastor Jakob with my Godly wife Sarah.  I want us to train him in the way, teach him to love God, and prepare him to be the greatest pastor our grandchildren will ever know.

Happy Pastor Appreciation month.  Please be sure to encourage your pastors, wherever you attend.


  1. I've never thought about parents as pastors. What a great thought. And I agree that you have one awesome set of parents! I miss them.

  2. Thanks! I think they're great and miss them, too.
