Tuesday, January 27, 2009

David Justice, Drugs, and Farting?

I was watching ESPN this morning, which has become rare for me. I really don't like the new live format (i.e. the new anchors are awful). But I had time to kill this morning, so I put on the only thing I know is on at that time. I had to change it, though. One story came on, and it was quickly tainting a beloved memory of my youth. Some guy is alleging that he provided David Justice with HGH. He even claims to have hand delivered it to him. Justice, of course, denies it. Now, I firmly believe it's not a story until it's really a story. I don't want to know every time a baseball player is accused of using performance enhancing drugs, but if they are found guilty, feel free to tell me. Anyway, I can't hear bad things about David Justice, because he holds a special place in my heart.

Let me take you back to 8th grade. I was 4'10", and maybe 90 pounds at best. I had a crush on a girl in my reading and history class. She sat to my right and one desk back. I remember this specifically, cause it made all the difference in the world on one fateful day. We were reading Johnny Tremain in history class that day. I felt like the class was never going to end, as I was holding back a ruthless, gaseous explosion for the last 15 minutes. Finally, Mr. Johnson told us to put our books away. Class was ending. I leaned over to my left (pointing my posterior to the right), so that I could pick up my folder: my David Justice folder. The pressure applied to my stomach by leaning over was more than it could take. Quite possibly the biggest, loudest fart I have ever produced came roaring out. I was so embarrassed at the time. You can imagine I never got around to asking that girl out. I was already afraid of girls, especially ones I assaulted with bodily noise. So that went by the wayside, but the folder remains. It is safely stored in a trunk in my parents' attic, with many other great memories from my childhood. David Justice is an icon to me. I don't know his stats. I don't know if he's in the hall of fame. I don't want to know if he did drugs. But I know he played for the braves, bats left handed, and lifts up his right leg before he swings. I know everything that folder tells me about him. The image is locked in my mind.

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