Friday, March 11, 2011

sweet to lick - repost

I love the Karate Kid movies - well, all of them except the one with Hillary Swank. To be fair, I've never seen it, and I probably never will.  Anyway, growing up in the 80's, karate was the coolest thing ever because of these movies. Dan and I used to practice our Karate Kid moves in the basement. We'd do the crane kick, the hammer punch, and the flip over the shoulder.  Whoever was playing the part of Daniel Larusso had to yell, "Step back, Daniel-san," in his best Japanese accent before performing the move.  The person to be flipped would stand on the arm of the couch, and the Daniel-san would stand on couch cushion right in front of it. It was pretty much amazing.

One line that always meant a lot to both me and Dan was, "Sweet to lick. You got a problem with that?" There's only one problem with that line: he was saying, "Sweep the leg..." We thought "sweet to lick" was a cool way of saying, "finish him!" Turns out we were wrong. We didn't even discover our error until a couple of years ago. But still, to my brother and I, the line will stay the same. We're too old to change. You don't like that? That's fine. If you bring it up, one of us might say, "sweet to lick," and the other one will finish you. Shake and bake.

Here's the video for everyone who likes punk music and sweeping the leg.



  1. That's awesome. My brother will be as glad as I am to hear that we're not the only ones that heard it wrong.

  2. it was a joke between a my (vegan) wife and a good friend of ours, and so when we started the bakery we knew it was the best name. contact us for some free beez
