Saturday, April 17, 2010

peanuts flash mob

According to Wikipedia, "A flash mob (or flashmob)is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse."

Last night, our youth group assembled suddenly at the Cross Roads Mall, in Portage Michigan, and unusually performed the dance scene from the Peanuts Christmas special.  We first assembled over in the food court, and talked about our game plan.  Then we went over look at the location of our dance.  The students dispersed to various areas around our dance scene and waited for their cue.  Here's what happened:


We had so much fun, that we decided to do it one more time.  We headed back to the food court and did it again.  Security showed up at the food court as we finished.  They didn't look angry, but rather inquisitive.  I think they were just making their rounds.

Oh, and WWMT, channel 3 news in Kalamazoo will be showing a clip of our flash mob tonight on the news.  Make sure you watch!


  1. All right..that was Awesome!!!!!!!

  2. I loved it!! We never ever did anything like that when I was in youth group.

  3. Now THAT sounds like a cool activity! I'd have gone, if you did it here! *LOL*
