Monday, October 5, 2009

it won't be easy, but it won't be as hard as some things...

I start my new job tomorrow, and I am pumped! I will be the Director of Youth and Children's Ministry (yes, that is a very long title). I actually interviewed for this job several times. I had a phone interview initially. The second time, I had lunch with the staff, an interview with Brenda, an interview with Dave, and then a Q&A with what felt like 50 people. That wasn't all, though. I came back up for a meeting with the elders, and a bonus interview with Brenda. A huge thanks to Big Ben for traveling with me, since Sarah was not able to make it in her pregnant condition. Finally, the job was offered, and you might guess that I accepted, since I start tomorrow. It was an intensive process, and it seemed like a long one, too, but it didn't really take that long. It took just long enough.

One question I was asked in every meeting/interview was if I thought it was possible for one person to lead both children's and youth ministry. I think it's possible, but it will certainly be difficult, but that's no big deal. My job at New Hope was difficult, and at times frustrating. My job at Baymeadows was more frustrating than difficult, but it was certainly trying. I expect every ministry position I take to be difficult, but people make it bearable. The people I've ministered to in my last two stops have made it worth every bit of frustration I've dealt with, and I expect that the awesome people of Kalamazoo Community will do the same.

Being a pastor is difficult. Few would question that. But there is one thing that is more difficult than being a pastor: having a mustache. It's true. I'm not the only one that feels this way. Check out this video:

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