Thursday, November 13, 2008

the Sticks

the sticks | recap from on Vimeo.

What's the conference with yellow feet? The Sticks, the Sticks. What's the conference from 21 Jump Street? Not the Sticks, Not the Sticks. The Sticks. The Sticks. I can see how the Cheat's Theme Song doesn't work as well for talking about our conference. Oh well. I still like the song. So, about the Sticks...I'm not going to give you any spiritual nuggets I learned. That's not how my mind or blog works. Here's the stuff I took note of at the conference:
  • We have some real freaks here at New Hope. Apparently, Sarah's not the only person I know that doesn't sleep. Kevin, Vicki, and Nicole don't sleep, either.
  • Kevin West is a genius who likes invisibles and Johnny Rogers really is that funny.
  • We had more people in ties at New Hope on Tuesday and Wednesday than any other time in church history.
  • I need to exude more confidence. Hard to believe, isn't it?
  • If your shirt has a design, and it's not off to one side, it's just not cool.
  • Our worship guys really aren't that metrosexual at all. Good job, fellas.
  • I can handle meeting famous pastors without stammering, sweaty handshakes, and shaking like my dog. I pretended I was as cool as them, and they downplayed how cool they really are.
  • Macguyver's bomber coat is supreme, and his mullet really gleams.
There was so much more to see, hear, and learn. I am just too tired to give it to you. Go to Kevin's, Charles', or Tim Stevens' blog to read more details.

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