Thursday, February 27, 2014

and the gender is...

As many of you know, Sarah is expecting our second child.  That child will be born at the end of June.  Many of you may even know the gender by now, as we publicly announced it in youth group on Sunday.  But many of you probably don't know, because we may not be friends on Facebook (what's up with that, anyway?), and you may not be related to anyone in the youth group that was there.  So I want to tell you what we're having, but I'm really dragging it out.  That's my style.

The Selphs will be having a boy!  His name is Jaxon, and we cannot wait for him to get here.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

how's your mind?

"Just hold still!  This will be much easier if you just cooperate!"  I feel like my mom, doctors, dentists, and nurses have had to say that to me for the last 30+ years when trying to get a needle anywhere near me.  I'm not one for needles, I suppose.  They thought it was a good idea to stick a needle in me and leave medicine behind or come out with blood, and I thought it would be better to die a slow, painful death.  We saw the situation differently.

How you view a situation will change your attitude and behavior in the situation.  Where your mind is at is very important, and just as I said Sunday that our actions will reveal our level of love, our actions will also reveal where our mind is.  A harmonious person works towards harmony.  An acrimonious person will work towards hostility, whether consciously or subconsciously.  That's why the Bible says so much about the human mind and our thoughts.  Getting our minds right is crucial to getting our lifestyle right.  How is your mind?  I know I need to check mine.

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