We've asked a couple of times for your help with the Juggernaut, and I'm going to ask that you allow me one more request with one more sharing of why this race is so important to not just us but to so many. We are still in need of volunteers for this Saturday. Volunteers who might help by directing racers through the course, handing out water, timing, taking pictures, or just encouraging racers as they pass by you. But when you volunteer to work this Saturday, you aren't just volunteering for a race. Your volunteering for so much more.
It's probably pretty obvious to you that when we do a race and partner with ActiveWater that part of what we're raising money for is clean drinking water. That is definitely true. But clean water has more implications than just the drink itself. So what else about this cause should make you want to help? I think it's good to work towards clean water for people everywhere, but this Cambodian project is particularly moving. Cambodia borders Thailand. Many families send their children to retrieve water from a large river bordering Thailand, making them susceptible to human trafficking. The idea of young children being kidnapped and forced into sex slavery or other types of trafficking rips my heart. It breaks God's heart. I imagine it breaks your heart, too. Although we can't necessarily be there protecting them, we can provide a safety net by establishing clean running water in the villages that would make going to the more dangerous locations obsolete. Why risk your child on the Thai border when you can just get running water? This is about more than a race on a Saturday in September. It's worth more than just clean drinking water, which is a worthy cause in of itself. It's about protecting people from a life we wouldn't wish on our worst enemy.
So I ask you one more time: would you volunteer to help? If so, please contact the church office at 343-4522 or email me at jeff@mykcc.org. We'll have a place for you. Thank you.