I was just having a conversation with Pastor Dave and Pastor Todd about taking personality tests and spiritual gift inventories, and how I see great difference in the two. I feel like if you were to blindly look at my MBTI results and my spiritual gift test results, you wouldn't know they came from the same person. One describes an introvert who enjoys small groups of people. The other describes a pastor who enjoys preaching God's Word to whatever crowd. The two do not line up, which means who I naturally am and who I am in Christ are different people.
Moses may have been an introvert. When God came to him and told him to lead His people out of Egypt, he was worried. He wasn't good at talking. People didn't know him or take him seriously. He was afraid to do what God had asked of him because of who he was. But God showed up in Moses and empowered him to do all that He asked of him. I feel like, to a lesser extent, God has shown up in me to help me accomplish what He's asked of me. I say lesser extent not because I doubt God's work in my life, but rather because I'm not performing any miracles with water, blood, wood, snakes, parting seas, or whatever. But I am standing up and stating God's truths, regardless of the unease I feel each time.
I don't want who I know I am and who others say I am stop me from doing what God's asked. I want to be who God has called me to be, gifted me to be, and expects me to be. Don't let anyone get in your way of doing what God wants from you. That includes not letting yourself get in your way. Who are you? Who are you in Christ? Who we are and who we are in Christ may be different.