Thursday, April 30, 2009

chick tracts and public restrooms

I'm really uncertain about how well Gospel tracts work nowadays. I think more times than not, they do not work. In fact, they often are offensive to the waiter or waitress they are left for in lieu of a tip, or along with a poor tip. I know many people, both saved and unsaved, who have been stiffed by those God loving Christians who think a tract is better than a tip. Neither were very happy; neither read the tract; neither would ever consider attending the church of the offender. On a side note, I'm pretty sure not tipping or under tipping someone is tantamount to stealing. If you came and worked for me at my home, and you expected a certain rate of pay, you would not be happy if I docked you for your crappy attitude, or if your performance wasn't up to my expectation. But hey, that's different, right?

Back to business. There is one type of tract I really do like: chick tracts. Why? My church didn't think kids 4th grade and up should be in CM anymore. We were old enough to sit in the service. That didn't work for me. I didn't understand what was going on. I busied myself with four things: doodling (my current art skills are the same as they used to be), tic tac toe, playing dots, and reading chick tracts. They're comic books that God approves of me reading during church. I've only ever seen them in two places: church during missions conferences and public restrooms. I had a biological emergency at Meijer the other day, and guess what was there: a chick tract! So, I read it. That is THE tract from the incident pictured above. I didn't get saved after reading it, but it did help pass the time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

for those that hate the laundromat

Maybe you hate the laundromat, because you refuse to have fun while you're there. I've heard it said that only boring people get bored. Fun people make up their own fun. I'm not sure you can make broad generalizations like that. I've sat through church services that would bore the most fun of people.

We needed a video for our Kindness in Action (KIA) team from our Ashland campus a while back. I, of course, jumped at the opportunity to make this stupid video. Wasn't Sarah embarrassed by my actions? Actually, there were a lot of retakes of some scenes, cause the camera was shaking and you could hear her laughing. I'm bringing her down...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

because you're worth it

Feeling sad? Not sure of yourself? Do you need a confidence boost? You are in luck today, my friends, because I have happened upon the greatest source of confidence and happiness ever. Who needs Prozac when you can have the Cheers to You CD?

I just want to know who's normally paying $35 for this, so I can make fun of them. I want to be put up against the CD. Can I make you feel so bad that the CD doesn't even work? I believe in me!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

if you were stranded on a desert island...

How many times have you been asked this question: "If you were stranded on a desert island, what two things would you bring with you?" Most of the times I've heard this question, it was in the company of Christians, or read in an e-mail survey written by a Christian who knew several Christians would read it. That being said, the Bible has been listed as one of the items more times than not. I wonder how many people actually mean that. If you really don't read the Bible a lot now, why would you bring it with you? Is it because you know that with nothing else to do, you'll finally make up for loss time?

Anyway, I've never asked her the question, nor have I heard her asked and heard her response, but I know one person that would bring her Bible: my grandma. Okay, she's technically Sarah's grandma, but I love her and claim her, too. On Sunday, she was checked into the hospital due to pneumonia and congestive heart failure -- please pray for her. Grandpa was going to go home for a bit, and Grandma asked for him to retrieve two items for her: her Bible and her glasses. I guess we know what two things she'd bring to the hypothetical desert island.

Incidentally, what two items would you bring with you? You cannot bring people, and we'll assume there's already a Gideon Bible in the desk on the island, so don't say that either.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jonny Lang believes just what He said

I'm always interested to see what Christian artists will do when they get the chance to play on the Tonight Show. Several have had their chance in the past, and it seems one by one they have done the same thing: keep it vague. After seeing Third Day, the most overly worshipful band out there, perform without making mention of God one time, I started to believe there was a rule in place. Maybe they'd let you come on, but only if you promised to be on your best ambiguous behavior. Apparently there is no such rule. Jonny Lang was on last week, and he made no secret about what he believed. He believes just what He said. I liked the song so much I downloaded it within minutes of hearing it. His unabashed appreciation for his Lord reminds me of what Jesus said about the woman that anointed His feet in Luke 7:37-48. "Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; that's why she loved much. .." Check out the video below:

Further reading for those interested in Jonny Lang. Yes, he is the same Jonny Lang that toured with Aerosmith and the Rolling Stones and opened for them at the age of 15. He is the very same Jonny Lang that won Grammy's in the secular world. All the fame, success, and money wasn't doing it for him, though. He found himself spiraling downward while drinking and doing drugs. He credits God and the prayers of his family for bringing him out of it. His testimony is intriguing and inspiring. Read the rest of it HERE.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

it's been a week

So I haven't twittered or used facebook for a week now. You might think that is liberating, but I miss it. So many funny things go on that I want to twitter about, but I cannot. People have sent me messages on Facebook, and I cannot reply, because my resolve is strong. I came across this great video that I feel best expresses my feelings for facebook. If only they had mentioned Twitter.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

there's power in the blood

There is no doubt power in the blood. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. Blood must be shed to seal a covenant (kind of like God's covenant to not send us to Hell if we accept Jesus). Blood has the power to make me faint. I'm all about talking about the blood. I'm told it's not seeker sensitive to talk about blood, though. I'm pretty sure Coop could have received a citation from the seeker sensitive police today. His message was called, "There will be blood."

Somebody forgot to tell this kid that it's not okay to talk about blood. He goes on and on about it. I love it.

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009


A ransom is the necessary payment to release a hostage from bondage. I do not see myself ever being kidnapped and held for a ransom - we've got no money - but I would hope that if I am ever held hostage that my wife would gladly give her case of Wonka bars for my freedom, even if there is a golden ticket still floating around out there. That would be a big sacrifice to make, but why hold someone for a small ransom? If you ever find yourself in that situation, you really only have a few options: pay the ransom, be Bruce Willis and save the hostages on your own, or ignore the call and see what they will do. For some reason, you're always encouraged to not pay the ransom, because your family member probably will not be let out alive. I wonder where the idea that not cooperating keeps your family safer than cooperating?

Now, we know that we have been held ransom by our sin. Yes? The ransom that had to be paid was death. So, Jesus paid this ransom for us, because He wanted to buy us back. Here's how I like to picture this going down. Jesus dies and goes down Hell to pay this ransom. The devil's not there, but instead, he calls Jesus. The devil's like, "yeah, so you paid the ransom, but you still can't have them back." Jesus, with his wild Mel Gibson hair, goes crazy on the phone, and yells, "GIVE ME BACK MY SON!" The devil is not a very compliant dude, and somehow he doesn't realize he just messed with the wrong Jew. So fast forwarding to the future, Jesus is left with no choice but to go after him and personally step on his head. Seriously, you should have just given Him back His son. And *serious comment coming, brace yourself* if we have been set free, why continue to live like we are hostages? Why stay with your kidnapper when your Father has paid the ransom and set you free?

Boom. Roasted.

I accidentally posted this earlier in the week, but it was meant for today. It was on Good Friday that Jesus went down to take care of business. Pastor Kevin (RevKev) says it should be called Bad Friday. I go back and forth on that. Is it Good or Bad Friday, and why?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I have decided to take a hiatus. It will not be for very long, so don't fret your little head. I have decided that for 2 weeks, I will not be involved in social networking. I will not twitter, nor will I will go on Facebook. There are obvious pros and cons to this decision. First of all, how will you know what I am up to? I know this is a concern. I'm sorry. Where do I send that funny picture I happen across (or create)? I'll just bother my siblings with it. Plus, if your birthday is in the next 2 weeks, and we're really not that close, I will have no idea. Normally, Facebook would have told me, but I won't be on there. I can't fake it. The pros list is short and sweet: I will spend less time on the computer and more time doing other things that are more important. Don't worry, you can still e-mail me. If I like you, I will return your e-mail.

So starting tomorrow, April 9, you will not hear from me for two weeks. Goodbye, social networking world. I will probably miss you.

Today is my sister's birthday, by the way. She turns 40, give or take 7 years. :) Happy birthday, Lisa! This is also Josh's birthday. I'm wishing him a happy birthday on the off chance he actually reads this.

Happy anniversary tomorrow, Mom and Dad VS.

Monday, April 6, 2009

eat more chicken

One thing I really miss about living in Jacksonville is Chick-fil-A. Sarah and I knew we'd miss it when we moved, so we ate there like it was a marathon before we left. We were very briefly sick of it, but now we miss it greatly. I make it a point to stop there whenever I pass by one (unless of course I stopped at one just a few exits before).

I look forward to going to Canton, GA in May, if for nothing else to go to Chick-fil-A, cause all I want to do is eat more chicken.

Friday, April 3, 2009

take away my clutter

I am one messy dude. When I lived with my parents, I would generally clean my room once per year. If I were going to re-wear a pair of pants before I wanted them washed, I would just throw them to the bottom of my closet. My school bag was always a mess, and I'm lucky I could find anything in there at all. Not much has changed. I'm a cluttered individual. Sarah makes me pick up after myself, but if she didn't, you know I wouldn't.

My walk with God is much like my housekeeping habits: cluttered, disorganized, and therefore less effective than it could be. I run in several different directions, as fast as I can, trying to accomplish a life that is pleasing to God. It's time to remove that clutter. Don't you have clutter in your walk that is doing you more harm than good? Then you should check out Clutter-FREE Christianity: What God Really Desires For You, by Robert Jeffress. It's a great book with practical ways to live a more simple spiritual life that is very pleasing to God. God never intended for us to overdo it. After all, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Do you believe it? Then why not live it?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

win schuler's

Winston Schuler ran the Win Schuler restaurants of Michigan and Indiana. He received many awards for the success of his restaurants. Eventually, he decided to retire and leave the restaurants to his son. Although he was retired, he didn't stop working. He would make it a habit of going from restaurant to restaurant and asking people how they enjoyed the food and service. Why would he care if he were retired? He would commonly tell people that although he was retired, it was his name on the restaurant, and that mattered to him. My dad told me that story last week, out of the blue, of course. He's a wealth of knowledge and stories. I really don't know how we get to the point of him telling me most of this stuff, but we always do.

As soon as he told me the story, I thought of the church. At His ascension, Jesus left the church under our management. It's as though he's retired, although He is still quite active. And, just as Winston Schuler, He's probably pretty concerned with how people feel about the church. After all, it is His name on the line.

By the way, you should know that Winston's son did not take very good care of the family business. He did not treat people the same way his dad did, and he did not train his managers to do so. They eventually closed the doors of 8 out of 9 restaurants. They re-focused, and the last restaurant standing is doing quite well. It just makes me wonder if we're doing the same thing. Are we treating people like Jesus, or will we end up closing the doors of most of our churches before we refocus?