I know what you are thinking. The greatest words ever spoken would have to be your wife saying, "You're right, honey. I was really wrong. I'm sorry." But no, these words cannot compare with the words I'm talking about. The Greatest Words Ever Spoken, by Steven K. Scott, is a compilation of the words of Jesus. If I had to sell you my favorite words He ever said, it would have to be the words He spoke in John 8:36. My love for that verse inspired THIS.
I like the way the book is set up. Having categories to look Jesus' words up by is quite helpful. I know, I can pick up the Bible and find everything He ever said there, but sometimes it's nice to have someone take away a lot of the leg work. If you love Jesus, forward this blog post on to 10 of your friends to prove you're not ashamed of Him, AND buy the book HERE.
Official Description:
"For the first time in 2,000 years, everything Jesus said about You, Your Life, and Everything Else.
Have you wished you could ask Jesus any question and get His immediate help with the biggest problems you face?
Now you can own Every Word of Jesus, organized into practical, easy-to-find topics. As you immerse yourself in
His words, your life and relationships will be transformed and your faith and spiritual passion will be renewed.
Let the Greatest Words Ever Spoken bring vision, power, and joy into your life - one statement at a time."